I was searching through my sight meter and realized that a couple people were searching for a specific raku glaze recipe. One was for a White Crackle Raku Glaze and the other was for a clear so I thought I'd post what I have.
White Crackle Raku Glaze Recipes
#1 Frit 3134 85%
Kaolin 15%
#2 Colemanite 64%
Custer Feldspar 12%
Flint 12%
Ball Clay 6%
Zinc 6%
#3 Gerstley Borate 80%
Nepheline Syenite 20%
Add: Zircopax 10%
Clear Raku Glaze Recipes
#1 Called 1 2 3 Clear
Gerstley Borate 50
EPK 33.33
Silica 16.67
#2 Called 3110 Clear
Frit 3110 100
Tin Oxide 3
Bentonite 3
The Grind
The lovely weather we've had in Maine this weekend marks the beginning of
firing season; but before firing comes shelf-grinding.
I can't say it's my favo...
2 days ago
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