Well, the flood is over and it's time to build some new kilns. Fortunately the flood didn't wash away the bricks I have been collecting and since I don't have any fiber to build another garbage can I might as well start stacking bricks.
I have about 50 hard fire brick and maybe 75 common red brick so I think I can make a few modifications to the kiln pictured here.
I built this kiln in June of 2006 and fired it a few times. It took a long time to fire but I loved the process and the final results. I got this design from Steven Branfman's book "Raku, A Practical Approach, 2nd ed.
I think I'll get rid of the cheap refrigerator rack grate I used to suspend the wood and use some one inch thick iron bars. In addition to that I'll enlarge the fire box and see if I can't incorporate a chimney of some sort for better draft. I guess I'll just have to start stacking brick and see what I can come up with. Stay tuned for a picture of what I end up with.