Once a year potters from all over the world flock to NCECA (National Council On Education For The Ceramics Arts). This year its in Pittsburgh, PA. Potters who participate in ClayArt, a list serve for potters, get together at this convention and exchange a piece of pottery. For potters that do not attend the convention, ClayArt promotes the Mug Exchange for stay at home potters. This year my exchange partner is Penni Stoddart from London, Ontario. This is the mug I am sending to her.
Cone 10 stoneware coffee mug glazed with Viterbo Rutile Blue.
Viterbo Rutile Blue Glaze Recipe
Dolomite 790gr, Custer Spar 1500gr, Whiting 555gr, EPK 840gr, Flint 1315gr, Add: Rutile 400gr, Cobalt Carb. 50gr, Copper Ox. 30gr.